Available Camps
Please call or text (410) 425-7750 or email camp@ieacro.com with any questions or if you need assistance. Thank you!
Speciality Camps (TBD)
Spring Break Camp (April 2025)

Summer Camp (June 2025)

International Elite Summer of Fun Camp is open to ages 4-11 years old and campers must be potty trained.
Each week is themed and packed full of FUN with games, crafts, open gym play, dance parties, special guests, and outdoor activities (as weather permits). Formal gymnastics and tumbling instruction is NOT provided during camp hours. All half and full day Campers will need to bring a non-perishable packed lunch, reusable water bottle and at least 2 snacks.
We offer a half day starting for ages 4+ from 8:30 pm to 1:00 pm and a full day for ages 5+ from 8:30 pm - 4:00 pm.
- Half day camp tuition: $275/week.
- Full day camp tuition: $375/week.
For the week of July 4th, we will offer a 4 day camp with a prorated tuition of $220 for a half day and $300 for full day.
Full week registration only. Daily registration will be as availability allows the week prior to camp dates ($85/full day, $65/half day). Please note camps ran at full capacity last season and single day registrations may not become available. Please email for availability at camp@ieacro.com!
General Information:
International Elite Camps requests all routine medications be provided before or after camp, only emergency medications, such as asthma inhalers or epipens, will be provided during camp. IE Summer Camp requires all routine medications be provided before or after camp.
- Camper Health History form is required for ALL campers.
- Medication and Asthma Forms are only required for those that require those medications. School/Daycare Medication forms are NOT permitted for summer camp use per state policy.
- Camper Health form is required for all campers.
- Medical and Asthma forms are only required for those appropriate.